
To an online manual available for all JomSocial customers, administrators, extension and template developers.

We are currently serving 1,325 pages (in English) written and maintained by JomSocial developers, making JomSocial one of the world's best documented extensions for Joomla!

Jomsocial 4.7.9 is released, documentation update is in progress. Check out JomSocial.com/blog for changelog.

Learn More About JomSocial What is JomSocial? What can it do for you.

Beginners Where do I start? I am ready to use JomSocial but I have no idea what to do first.

Developers Are you a developer interested in creating a Jomsocial Template, Module or a Plugin?

Integrations JomSocial offers an easy ways to be integrated with other components and web services.

Migrations and Upgrades All information about migration, upgrades from old versions, compatibilities, and requirements.

Download latest version

Latest version is 4.7.9 Checkout the changelog
Third number, or build number, is not outlined here.
To download, you will need to have valid licence

Download previous versions

If you want to upgrade from very old JomSocial version, a tier upgrade will be required.
For instance, it is not recommended to upgrade from 3.1 to 4.5 because installer wont install database changes in versions that are released in between (3.2, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4)
Before downloading older versions, please read how to do a proper tier upgrade