IJoomla Installer Installation

Revision as of 12:00, 25 July 2013 by Sinisakrisan (Talk | contribs)

NOTE!!! This page covers the installation process for JomSocial 3.0. If you are looking for an installation guide for JomSocial 2.8 click here.
If you require even older version installation instructions, please click here


This guide covers a fresh installation of the jomSocial 3 component into the Joomla CMS. You will need a working Joomla! site in order to install JomSocial. Please refer to the article, minimum system requirements, to determine the requirements your server will have to meet.
If you are upgrading JomSocial, please refer to one of the following pages

Downloading the Package

Go to www.jomsocial.com homepage. From main menu at top of the page, click on the Account tab.


From your Account Area, click on the available download link (Standard Edition or Professional Edition) and download the installation package to your hard drive.


Unpacking the Installation Package

Extract the content of the downloaded package.


You will now have three (3) new .zip archives:

  • apps_unzip_first_2.8.X.zip - this is the archive of all applications and plugins, please, click here to find out how to install plugins and applications.
  • com_community_pro_2.8.X.zip - This is the installer we well use for component installation.
  • modules_unzip_first_2.8.X.zip - archive containing all the official JomSocial modules. Please, click here to see how to install modules.

Check for Installation Permissions

1. Login to your Joomla Administrator backend. On the Administrator Panel, click on System Information.


2. Click the Directory Permissions tab and make sure all folders are Writable.


Uploading the Installation Package

1. From the Extensions dropdown menu select Extension Manager.


2. From the Upload Package File tab under Install, browse for the com_community_[version].zip file and select it. Then, click Upload & Install to begin installation.


3. Once uploaded, click Complete Your Installation.


Completing the Installation

1. The first JomSocial installation screen appears. Make sure all the requirements are met and then click Next.

Note: If any of the values are marked in yellow (like last one on our screen shot example), do not worry, JomSocial will probably still work since the values shown on this screen are Recommended and NOT the Minimum system requirements. To see the minimum system requirements, please click here.


2. Press Next on all screens until installation is completed.


3. Click Done to finish the installation. You will be greeted with the JomSocial Backend Control Panel.


Alternative Installation Method

You can also manually install JomSocial by first uploading all the files to your hosted server via FTP and then installing it from the directory using the following steps:

1. Extract the 'com_community_[version].zip' file.


2. Upload the extracted folder to the /tmp directory located in the root directory where Joomla is installed using your FTP client.


3. Go to Extensions > Extension Manager. In the "Install from Directory" section, put the path to the folder that you have uploaded just now. Then click Install.
