Flat Theme

Revision as of 08:25, 18 July 2017 by Sinisakrisan (Talk | contribs)

Since JomSocial 4.3.5


JomSocial Flat theme is a bonus available only with JomSocial Professional Plan.
It is created by JomSocial Team and it is fully supported to be compatible with future JomSocial releases as well, ensuring the safe and easy upgrade.

How To Install

Installation of the Theme is fairly simple but it does require access to the hosting over SFTP (or FTP) client, so make sure you have access before proceeding further. If you don't have access to the FTP demand one from your hosting or change your hosting provider immediately.

  1. Download JomSocial Professional or Supercharged package
  2. UnzipUNZIP-FIRST-JomSocial Professional.zip file on your desktop
  3. Copy the folder Flat from extracted zip
  4. Paste entire folder Flat in to ROOT/components/com_community/templates/ so it looks like on the image bellow

Once files are copied, go to JomSocial Backend Dashboard -> Configuration -> Templates and make sure your default JomSocial template is set to flat


Now you have set up the Flat theme to be used as a default theme on your JomSocial website

See Also