The configurable options are listed below and can be accessed from every JomSocial Template configuration page
Backend -> Components -> JomSocial -> Templates -> Your Template
and from the layout configuration page
Backend -> Components -> JomSocial -> Configuration -> Layout
In JomSocial 3, all of the templates paramaters for frontpage are removed because these blocks are turned into modules that can be published anywhere on the site. The only options that are left for you to edit are
- Show plugin author - which will show plugin author when profile application is opened
- Color theme - Allows you to select light or dark color theme for JomScial
- Frontpage Cover - Allows admin to select an image and use it as a "Get Connected" image on the frontpage.
Template parameters allow you to configure certain parts of the site (primarily the Frontpage) and decide which boxes will be shown, and when.