Statistic module can show various statistcs from your site. It is very useful if you want to show these statistics to the users
Backend Settings
- Show Total groups - Display total number of groups created on the site.
- Show Total Discussions - Display total number of discussions created on the site.
- Show Total Announcements - Display total number of announcements created on the site.
- Show Total Upcoming Events - Display total number of upcoming events.
- Show Total Albums - Display total number of albums created on the site.
- Show Total Photos - Display total number of photos uploaded on the site.
- Show Total Videos - Display total number of videos added to the site.
- Show Total Activities - Display total number of activities on the site.
- Show Total Walls - Display total number of comments created on the site.
- Show Total Members - Display total number of members registered on the site.
- Show Total Males - Display total number of males registered on the site.
- Show Total Females - Display total number of females registered on the site.
- Show Total Unspecified - Display total number of unknown gender users registered on the site.
- Gender Field - Choose the gender field. (Must be an actual field of type gender)