Deleting Profile

Revision as of 08:52, 1 August 2014 by Sinisakrisan (Talk | contribs)


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As a site Admin, you can allow users to delete their user accounts. This action, however, requires Administrator action because in the Joomla environment, only the site Admin can delete a user completely. Joomla doesn't have the Frontend capabilities to allow such actions; therefore, when a user '"deletes" an account, it is actually only blocked, waiting for an Admin to complete the deletion process.

Enabling the Option

  1. Navigate to the site Backend.
  2. From the Components dropdown menu, select JomSocial, then Configuration
  3. Under the Site pane, you will see the settings regarding registration and in it, the Allow Profile Deletion option, which is enabled by default.

This will allow the users to have the additional option in the edit profile field to delete their user account.


Deleting a Profile

This action must be initiated and confirmed by the user only, by clicking on the option displayed in above the picture, and then confirming the deletion by clicking Yes, delete my profile.


After clicking Yes, delete my profile, the user will automatically be blocked (not deleted) and logged out from site with no ability to log back in again.
The email will be sent to the site Admin, notifying the Admin about the user's request to delete his/her profile.

Automatic Profile Deletion

This is not possible in the Joomla environment. As mentioned at the beginning of this tutorial, Joomla does not have any Frontend facilities to accommodate such an action. Since JomSocial relies on the Joomla User Object, it is impossible for us to delete the user account from the Frontend of the site.

One of the other issues that also prevents us from implementing this feature include: hooks that are triggered when user is deleted. These hooks are only triggered in the Backend and are used in the JomSocial User Plugin to delete all the associated data from the deleted user.