Custom Alerts

Custom alerts are made out of boxes
Icon must be 64x64 pixels and floated left.
Icon name must be formated as alert-name.png

Currently available alerts



This page is not complete
This article is incomplete, or otherwise not finished. It could provide much more information about the topic that it tries to cover.
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This page is obsolete
This article is written for older versions of JomSocial. While chances are that is still valid, It could contain images and information that are not. Are you interested in helping us making best documented Joomla! extension in the world and improve this article? Then click here to find out how.


This page will be available soon
One of the JomSocial Team members is working on this page to deliver the best documentation article that could possibly be. Are you interested in helping us making best documented Joomla! extension in the world and write this article faster? Then click here to find out how.


Support for this feature is deprecated or ceased
This is an old feature that will either be, or it is already removed. You are strongly advised not to use this feature in current version of JomSocial as it's functionality have not been tested, and might not even exist.

Small images for alerts

Image must be png 16x16px and must have logical short name.

  • Idea.png [[File:idea.png]]
  • Warning-yellow.png [[File:Warning-yellow.png]]