Creating Groups

Revision as of 23:29, 8 March 2013 by Patricia Schmidt (Talk | contribs)

Before You Begin

Please make sure that you have enabled group before proceeding.

Creating Groups from the Frontend

Go to the Groups Page on your site and click Create.


The Create New Group form will appear:


Group Creation Page Options

Group name - This field is mandatory and will be used as the name of the Group. The name MUST be unique. If a group with the same name already exists, JomSocial will flag an error. ('Error: Group name has been taken. Please select a different name.')
Set group as private - This will set Group as private. Users will have to be approved by the Group Admin before they can join.
Description - Describes the group Note: Even if set to private, this description will be visible to all users
Category - You must chose in what category this group will be added
Albums - Number of photo albums to show on main group page (this setting will not show up if group albums are disabled in Back End)
Enable photo sharing - Enable photo uploads for this specific group
Allow members to upload photos and create albums - If this option is enabled, all members will have possibility to create albums and upload photos
Videos - Number of videos to show on main group page (this setting will not show up if group videos are disabled in Back End))
Enable video sharing - Enable video uploads for this specific group
Allow members to upload videos - If this option is enabled, all members will have possibility to upload videos
Events - Number of Events to show on main group page (this setting will not show up if Events are disabled in Back End)
Allow only group admins to create group events - Same as Enable group events Must be checked out if you want to allow Events creation in this specific group
Allow members to create group events - If this option is enabled, all members will have possibility to create Events in groups
Enable file sharing - allow file sharing in discussions for this group (This option wont show up if file sharing is disabled at group settings in Back End)
Order by creation date - Set the discussions ordering on main group page
Enable file sharing - allow file sharing in announcements for this group (This option wont show up if file sharing is disabled at group settings in Back End)
Notification Settings
Enable new member notification - Notify group admins when new members join
Enable join request notification - Notify group admins about new join request (Private groups only)
Enable wall post notification - Send email notifications to group members whenever new wall is posted - Please read about Walls here]
Remove associated activities - By checking this option, all existing activities that are associated with this group will be removed

Continuing Group Creation

After selecting all of your options, click Create Group. If all required fields have been completed properly, the group will be created and this window will appear:


Here, you can change the avatar for your group, post a new announcement, create the first group discussion, edit group details again, or simply, go to the Group Page.

Creating Groups from Back End