Common Photo Related Issues

Revision as of 10:35, 8 March 2013 by Patricia Schmidt (Talk | contribs)

Gallery View is Broken


Gallery keeps loading without showing the photo.


Causes :

PHP ran out of memory during image-resizing for viewing. Check your php.ini memory_limit and increase it accordingly.
The actual file is missing due to upload/permission issue.
Third party plugin conflict

Debugging Procedure:


We need to know whether the actual image exists or not.
Right Click on the thumb> View Image (in Firefox).
Take note of the actual URL for the thumb.
You will notice that the URL of the thumb is (example): Thumb: images/photos/62/thumb_e9c8787197c151c42b599543.jpg
The URL of the actual image would be (example): Actual : images/originalphotos/62/e9c8787197c151c42b599543.jpg
photos -> originalphotos
thumb_e9c8787197c151c42b599543.jpg -> e9c8787197c151c42b599543.jpg
Once you know the generated file name, head straight to the original photo, which is
If you manage to view both original photos and its thumb, then most likely your issue lies in the insufficient memory_limit.
If you are unable to view any or both original photos and its thumb, most likely your issue lies in incorrect directory permission.