Issues with third-party templates

Revision as of 16:40, 18 July 2013 by Sinisakrisan (Talk | contribs)

List of issues with third-party templates discovered during the beta phase of JomSocial 3

Rocket Theme

  • Sidebar module positions not showing up on the edit profile page

If you use Rocket Theme templates based on Gantry 4.1.11 and bellow, you will experience issue with modules published in the sidebar position.
This is because Gantry have special mode called editmode but it only checks the URL for the active task
You can view it here
Starting at line 41 and bellow

$editmode         = JFactory::getApplication()->input->getCmd('task') == 'edit' ? true : false;

It only checks for task=edit and if its true, later in the code it completely disables sidebar positions
On edit profile page, JomSocial have this task, therefore, Gantry thinks that you are in the editmode
Resolution: Update to Gantry 4.1.12

Status: Fixed


  • Menu dropdowns not working on templates built with T3 Framework

If you use T3 based templates published before July 2013, you might experience the problems with dropdown menu in main navigation.
Resolution: Update to latest T3 Framework provided by Joomlart
Demo of working dropdowns with latest T3-

Status: Fixed


  • Isolated issue - Single Template not working at all

If youre using this template, you will experience the issue with Displaying JomSocial component


Interestingly, this only happens with one single Gavick template. It is World News II Template
Other templates from Gavick seem to be working fine. We even conducted the whole closed beta phase using one of the Gavick templates.
Resolution" Currently fixed in JomSocial Repo.

Status: Fixed

Theme Expert

  • Multiple CSS Clashes with TX_Crunch template

Some of the elements withing JomSocial are clashing with the styles of this theme.
Fixes are required on both sides.

  1. home page hero image is overlapping the template image
  2. when choosing a darker module suffix, some links are not showing (blue style)
  3. group categories zone title not styled properly
  4. recent videos is looking messed up
  5. issues with tooltips and filling out the fields

Resolution" Waiting for input from both sides

Status: Not Fixed. Developer was notified

See Also