Facebook Connect on localhost

Revision as of 17:42, 7 March 2013 by Patricia Schmidt (Talk | contribs)


More often than not you will want to test the Facebook Connect feature on your localhost before deploying it on a live site. Facebook, of course, will not recognize the localhost as a valid web server and probably won't even allow you to create the application that points to localhost. So, are you doomed to try the Facebook Connect only on a server that is publicly available?
No, not at all!

Modifying the hosts file

First thing you need to do is to point your domain name to the localhost IP address mightylocal.dev

This domain name can be practically set to anything you like, it can be even dfdgter.khdfslsdfp as long as you're able to remember it.
To make things a bit easier, lets just call our localhost server mightylocal.dev
So, for Windows users, one needs to navigate to C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts and add the line above at the bottom. For Mac/Linux users, this file is normally located at /etc/hosts although this can vary with different Linux distributions

Setup the Facebook App

Create the Facebook App exactly as outlined here, only this time, you will use the mightylocal.dev for your domain name as shown in picture bellow

Final Result

After you have set the Facebook Application and copied the keys into respective JomSocial configuration, you must visit your localhost site frontend by going at this address




Yes, the app will work for all subdomains too
Now when youre on http://mightylocal.dev try to use Facebook Connect. If everything went okay, youll be able to use it


Be careful that if if you try to access the localhost on a standard way by just typing localhost or in the address bar, the Facebook Connect will fail. Also, if for whatever reason this trick dont work for you, then please take your time to setup the FBC on some publicly available domain as many factors can affect the fail such are firewalls for example, which are beyond our reach.
But be advised that this is tested, and working.

See Also