Import Groups From CSV

Revision as of 02:47, 10 March 2016 by Sinisakrisan (Talk | contribs)

From JomSocial 4.1.3


This is useful feature when you need to create a lot of predefined groups. In that case all you need is to create CSV file.


Obligatory columns are:

  • name - group name.
  • privacy - group privacy, where 0 is open group while 1 is closed group.
  • short description - short group description.
  • full description - full group description.
  • category id - category ID to which group should be assigned.

An example of CSV file can be seen here


1. Browse to Backend -> Components -> JomSocial -> Groups -> View groups

2. Click "Import groups from .CSV"


3. Click "Browse" button and locate file on your hard drive, confirm your choice.


4. Click "Import groups" button.


File should be uploaded and groups created.