Cache API

Revision as of 01:28, 8 March 2013 by Patricia Schmidt (Talk | contribs)

Cache Implementation In View or Controller

$cache 	   = CFactory::getCache('Core');
// Random is to handle shuffle matter, 
// cache 3 different set of data.
// Cache does not exist, implement the cache data.		
if (!($data = $cache->load('frontpage_getLatestVideos_' . $intRandom))){  
      $data = // generate data	
      $cache->save($data, NULL, array(COMMUNITY_CACHE_TAG_VIDEOS));

Cache Implementation / Removal In Model Class

To implement cache in model class, add the following code in the constructor:

// addMethod(methodName, [ACTION_SAVE, ACTION_REMOVE], [COMMUNITY_CACHE_TAG_ALL, array(TAG)]) 
$oCache = CCache::inject($this);
$oCache->addMethod('getAllPhotos', CCache::ACTION_SAVE, array(COMMUNITY_CACHE_TAG_PHOTOS));

To remove cache in model class, add following code in models's constructor:

$oCache = CCache::inject($this);
$oCache->addMethod('deleteActivity', CCache::ACTION_REMOVE, array(COMMUNITY_CACHE_TAG_ACTIVITIES));
$oCache->addMethod('removeActivity', CCache::ACTION_REMOVE, array(COMMUNITY_CACHE_TAG_ACTIVITIES));

Cache Remove In Table Class

Extend CTableCache (table/cache.php) in the table class:

class CTablePhoto extends CTableCache

Add the following code in the constructor:

   // Get cache object.
   $oCache = CCache::inject($this);
   // Remove video cache on every delete & store
   $oCache->addMethod(CCache::METHOD_DEL, CCache::ACTION_REMOVE, array(COMMUNITY_CACHE_TAG_VIDEOS));
  // Only CCache::METHOD_DEL, CCache::METHOD_SAVE, CCache::METHOD_STORE will handle by 
  // the cache object,other methods need to be done manually by the class itself.

Cache Remove in User Plugin

Cache will be removed automatically when the following functions are triggered:
